:Base BCBTOOLS.HLP 1 Borland C++Builder Tools and Utilities 2 An overview of the Borland C++Builder tools = BctoolsOverview 2 The C++ compiler, BCC32.EXE 3 Using the command-line compiler = UsingTheCommandLineCompiler 3 Using compiler configuration files = UsingCompilerConfigurationFiles 3 Using compiler response files = UsingCompilerResponseFiles 3 Option precedence rules = CompilerOptionPrecedenceRules 3 Entering directories for command-line options = EnteringDirectoriesForCommandLineOptions 2 The linkers, TLINK32.EXE and ILINK32.EXE 3 Using the linkers 4 Using TLINK32 and ILINK32 = TLINK 4 ILINK, the incremental linker = ILINK32 4 TLINK command-line syntax = TLINKCommandLineSyntax 4 TLINK.CFG File = TLINKCFG 4 Linker response files = ResponseFiles 4 Using TLINK with BCC.EXE = UsingTLINKWithBCC.EXE 3 Module definition files 4 Module definition files = ModuleDefinitionFile 4 CODE Statement (module definition file) = CODEStatement 4 DATA Statement (module definition file) = DATAStatement 4 DESCRIPTION Statement (module definition file) = DESCRIPTIONStatement 4 EXETYPE Statement (module definition file) = EXETYPEStatement 4 EXPORTS Statement (module definition file) = EXPORTSStatement 4 IMPORTS Statement (module definition file) = IMPORTSStatement 4 LIBRARY Statement (module definition file) = LIBRARYStatement 4 NAME Statement (module definition file) = NAMEStatement 4 SEGMENTS Statement (module definition file) = SEGMENTSStatement 4 STACKSIZE Statement (module definition file) = STACKSIZEStatement 4 STUB Statement (module definition file) = STUBStatement 4 Example module definition file = ExampleModuleDefinitionFile 2 BRC32.EXE 3 Using the command-line resource tools = ResourceTools 3 BRCC32.EXE = BRCC32 3 BRC32.EXE = BRC32 2 CPP32.EXE 3 CPP32, the preprocessor = CPP 3 Using CPP32 = CPP_Using 3 CPP32 as a macro preprocessor = CPP_MacroPreprocessor 3 Using MIDL with CPP32 = CPP_MIDL 3 CPP32 and UUIDs = CPP_UUID 2 GREP.EXE 3 GREP: A text-search utility = GREP 3 GREP: Command-line syntax = GREP_CommandLineSyntax 3 GREP: Command-line options = GREP_CommandLineOptions 3 GREP: The search string = GREP_TheSearchString 3 GREP: File specifications = GREP_FileSpecifications 3 GREP examples 4 GREP: Examples = GREP_Ex 4 GREP: Example 1 = GREP_Ex1 4 GREP: Example 2 = GREP_Ex2 4 GREP: Example 3 = GREP_Ex3 4 GREP: Example 4 = GREP_Ex4 4 GREP: Example 5 = GREP_Ex5 2 IDETOMAK.EXE 3 Using IdeToMak.EXE = UsingIdeToMak 2 IMPLIB.EXE 3 Using IMPLIB = IMPLIB 3 Using the module definition file manager (IMPDEF) = IMPDEF 3 Classes in a DLL = ClassesInADLL 3 Functions in a DLL = FunctionsInADLL 2 MAKE.EXE 3 Using MAKE 3 Using MAKE = UsingMAKE 3 Default MAKE actions = DefaultMAKEActions 3 Using makefiles = UsingMakefiles 3 Symbolic targets = SymbolicTargets 3 BUILTINS.MAK = BUILTINSMAK 3 Using TOUCH = UsingTOUCH 3 MAKE options 4 MAKE options = MAKEOptions 4 Compatibility with Microsoft's NMAKE = CompatibilityWithMicrosoftSNMAKE 3 Explicit and implicit rules 4 Explicit and implicit rules = ExplicitAndImplicitRules 4 Explicit rule syntax = ExplicitRuleSyntax 4 Implicit rule syntax = ImplicitRuleSyntax 3 Command syntax 4 Command syntax = CommandSyntax 4 MAKE command operators = MakeCommandOperators 3 MAKE macros 4 Using MAKE macros = UsingMAKEMacros 4 Defining MAKE macros = DefiningMAKEMacros 4 String substitutions in MAKE macros = StringSubstitutionsInMAKEMacros 4 Default MAKE macros = DefaultMAKEMacros 4 Modifying default MAKE macros = ModifyingDefaultMAKEMacros 3 Make directives 4 Using MAKE directives = UsingMAKEDirectives 4 .autodepend = MAKE_autodepend 4 !error = MAKE_error 4 !if and other conditional directives = MAKE_IfAndOtherConditionalDirectives 4 !include = MAKE_include 4 !message = MAKE_message 4 .path.ext = MAKE_pathExt 4 .precious = MAKE_precious 4 .suffixes = MAKE_suffixes 4 !undef = MAKE_undef 4 Using macros in directives = UsingMacrosInDirectives 4 Null macros = NullMacros 2 TDUMP.EXE 3 TDUMP: The file dumping utility = TDUMP 3 TDUMP command-line options = TDUMPCommandLineOptions 2 TLIB.EXE 3 Using TLIB = TLIB 3 TLIB command-line options = TLIBCommandLineOptions 3 Using TLIB response files = ResponseFiles 3 TLIB /C option = TLIBCOption 3 TLIB /E option = TLIBEOption 3 TLIB /P option = TLIBPOption 3 Operation list = OperationList 3 TLIB examples = TLIBExamples 2 TRIGRAPH.EXE 3 TRIGRAPH: A character-conversion utility = TRIGRAPH